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The KhabarNameh is Farsi for "newsletter" and is PCIA's official newsletter, published three times per year.  Edited by Joan Gaughan (Rasht/Lahijan, 1964-66), each issue contains a potpourri of articles including obituaries.

From the Field

Sent by email the first weekend of each month by editor Jackie Spurlock (Abadeh, Riz/Zarrinshahr, 1974-76), it contains timely news for PCIA members.  "From the Field" derives its name from a poem by Jalal ad-Din Rumi which contains these words:  “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there.”

Advocacy Bulletin

The advocacy bulletin is focused on PCIA's goal to advance peace and understanding between
Americans and Iranians through outreach, education and advocacy.  Published on the third weekend of each month, editor Paul Barker brings commentary and links to a wide variety of sourcs of information of interest to PCIA members.

Action Alerts

Action Alerts encourage PCIA members to contact their congressional representatives about issues dealing with U.S. - Iran relations.

You can subscribe to Action Alerts on the subscriptions section of your member profile.