His next film, currently in production, John and the Pahlavan, talks about peace, friendship, and the kindness of Iranians throughout history. This film is about the Iranian wrestling team. In this film, we witness the match between the Iranian and American wrestlers, which created a bond of friendship and closeness between the two nations. We see how much the Iranians treasure friendship with the Americans. We see how the Iranians are welcomed all over the world and how they are treated by other nations. How they always uphold Iranian customs, culture and dignity. At present, Golestan is seeking crowd funding to complete the project.
Jahangir Golestan-Parast, was born in Isfahan, Iran and raised in a family of restaurateurs. Leaving Iran at the age of 17, Jahangir pursued educational studies and business interests in London and France before finally settling in southern California’s Orange County. He has lived in four countries and traveled to nearly 40 countries. An international financier and a student of filmmaking at UCLA, Jahangir’s first documentary Isfahan, A City Known as Half the Worldwas based on the city of his birth and released in 1997. Expanding that effort into a series known as The Essence of Iran, Iran, A Video Journey was released in 2000, and captures the life of a typical modern-day Iranian. Both films have achieved critical acclaim and accolades.
His film,Bam 6.6, Humanity has no Borders, tells the story of an American Jewish girl caught under rubble during the horrific earthquake in Bam. This is the film Golestan will be presenting at the conference.